
New Book: Aborted State? The UN Initiative and New Palestinian Junctures

Posted on October 08, 2013 by Tadween Editors | 0 comments

Aborted State? The UN Initiative and New Palestinian Junctures 
Edited by Noura Erakat and Mouin Rabbani 

This book examines the Palestinian UN initiative from the key perspectives of strategy and leadership; international law and statehood; US foreign policy; and representation. It also includes more recent material from the 2012 sequel to the 2011 initiative, and relevant appendices

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طفل الثلج

Posted on October 03, 2013 by Tadween Editors | 0 comments

كان هناك تاجر نشيط ومجدّ يمضي معظم وقته خارج البلاد ملاحقاً تجارته.  وفي أثناء إحدى رحلاته، التي استمرت أكثر من عامين، وقعت زوجته في حبّ جار شابّ. لم يتمكّن العاشقان من السيطرة على عواطفهما المتأجّجة مما دفعهما إلى لقاء سريع، وأقاما علاقتهما بطريقة خرقاء، إذ إنه بعد مضيِّ حوالى تسعة أشهر، اكتشفت زوجة التاجر أنها حامل للمرة الأولى. وكانت دهشة التاجر لدى عودته إلى المنزل كبيرة حين اكتشف هذا المكسب الجديد للأسرة، وسأل زوجته إن كان الحمْلُ قد تم بفعل معجزة تجعلهما مدينين لها

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Analysis: Obama’s Promises for Education Reform

Posted on August 27, 2013 by Tadween Editors | 0 comments

“A higher education is the single best investment you can make in your future,” proclaimed US President Barack Obama on 22 August in Buffalo, NY.

Standing on stage in front of hundreds of students at the State University of New York, Buffalo, Obama addressed the dire situation many prospective, current, and past students in the United States face: paying back student loans. Obama made this statement as student loans have become an albatross around the necks of many who are struggling to pay back their debt while searching for employment in an economy with few offerings. Many young college graduates find themselves working low-income jobs in unrelated fields, at best.

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Universities Missing in Action in a New Egyptian Literary Wave

Posted on August 20, 2013 by Tadween Editors | 0 comments

By Daria Solovieva

One Friday night in the spring at El Sawy Culturewheel center in the Zamalek neighborhood of Cairo, a small crowd gathered around Amira Hassan El Desoki, jostling for her attention.

The Culturewheel, a former garbage dump turned cultural hub, was holding its first writer’s festival. Some of the featured writers were still teenagers. A crowd of eager young people from across Egypt were waiting for authors like El Desoki to sign their books and speak about their work.

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As it Becomes a Standard, Criticism for Common Core Erupts

Posted on August 13, 2013 by Tadween Editors | 0 comments

The New York Times calls the adoption of the Common Core State Standards “the most far-reaching experiment in American educational history.” The initiative, which has been implemented in forty-five states, the District of Columbia, and four US territories, promises to be “the first step in providing our young people with a high-quality education” by setting clear standards in mathematics and English language arts.  However, this project carries many of the same promises, ideas, and goals of previous attempts at reform. Is it just another set of standardized tests that schools are being forced to apply to students?

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The Tahrir Documents: Assembling the Egyptian Uprising

Posted on August 07, 2013 by Tadween Editors | 0 comments

Tadween recently interviewed David Hirsch, librarian for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California, Los Angles, about the Tahrir Documents, a project which collected and translated material from the protests at Tahrir Square in Cairo. This interview is part of Tadween’s new campaign to highlight the role of universities in knowledge production and preservation.

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