Tadween Roundup: News and Analysis from the Publishing/Academic World

Tadween Publishing brings you the latest news and analysis from the publishing and academic worlds that relate to pedagogy and knowledge production.
Noura Erakat and Mouin Rabbani, editors, Aborted State? The UN Initiative and New Palestinian Junctures. Washington, DC: Tadween Publishing, 2013.
Aborted State? The UN Initiative and New Palestinian Junctures
Edited by Noura Erakat and Mouin Rabbani
This book examines the Palestinian UN initiative from the key perspectives of strategy and leadership; international law and statehood; US foreign policy; and representation. It also includes more recent material from the 2012 sequel to the 2011 initiative, and relevant appendices
كان هناك تاجر نشيط ومجدّ يمضي معظم وقته خارج البلاد ملاحقاً تجارته. وفي أثناء إحدى رحلاته، التي استمرت أكثر من عامين، وقعت زوجته في حبّ جار شابّ. لم يتمكّن العاشقان من السيطرة على عواطفهما المتأجّجة مما دفعهما إلى لقاء سريع، وأقاما علاقتهما بطريقة خرقاء، إذ إنه بعد مضيِّ حوالى تسعة أشهر، اكتشفت زوجة التاجر أنها حامل للمرة الأولى. وكانت دهشة التاجر لدى عودته إلى المنزل كبيرة حين اكتشف هذا المكسب الجديد للأسرة، وسأل زوجته إن كان الحمْلُ قد تم بفعل معجزة تجعلهما مدينين لها
Arab Studies Journal Call for Submissions
Spring 2015 Themed Issue
Deadline: April 1st 2014
Tadween Publishing brings you the latest news and analysis from the publishing and academic worlds that relate to pedagogy and knowledge production.
The New York Times calls the adoption of the Common Core State Standards “the most far-reaching experiment in American educational history.” The initiative, which has been implemented in forty-five states, the District of Columbia, and four US territories, promises to be “the first step in providing our young people with a high-quality education” by setting clear standards in mathematics and English language arts. However, this project carries many of the same promises, ideas, and goals of previous attempts at reform. Is it just another set of standardized tests that schools are being forced to apply to students?
News and stories with a focus on the publishing industry, education, and technology from across the Arab world.
Tadween recently interviewed David Hirsch, librarian for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California, Los Angles, about the Tahrir Documents, a project which collected and translated material from the protests at Tahrir Square in Cairo. This interview is part of Tadween’s new campaign to highlight the role of universities in knowledge production and preservation.
Tadween Publishing brings you the latest news and analysis from the publishing and academic worlds that relate to pedagogy and knowledge production.